Modernize the Acquirer Network, Leaving the Clutter Behind

The Challenge

Following a recent modernization of their Payments Network, our client needed to modernize their Acquirer systems with the same success and quality. Our client had maintained and improved their Acquirer Network and associated systems on the mainframe and proprietary server systems for decades. Coupled with a recent change in data sovereignty requirements, leaders for this effort recognized the need for additional governance and management to ensure a successful modernization as well as the acceleration of the components required to accommodate the regulatory requirements changes.

GTSG Solution Description

GTSG provided senior and experienced resources from the recent Payments Network Modernization to:

  • Operationalize in-house developed blueprint of the target Acquirer systems
  • Define and implement project roadmaps to guide modernization
  • Provide program governance and integration across efforts to modernize Acquirer systems while accelerating the components required for regulatory requirements changes

Client Benefits

With GTSG-provided resources and expertise, our client was able to:

  • Implement and adhere to a cloud-based blueprint for modernization off the mainframe and other proprietary systems
  • Meet or exceed commitments ensuring a successful compliance
  • Spin up a completely new Project Management Office to lead and coordinate the various stated and additional in-flight efforts

The bottom line: Our client has a new Program Management Office in place based on lessons learned from recent modernization efforts that is poised to deliver Acquirer Modernization with equal success.